1140 Marksberry Road West, Owensboro, Kentucky

Auction Info

September 14

Auction Features

FARM MACHINERY-TOOLS— 2005 CASE IH JX85 tractor, front wheel assist; LX132 front end loader, 590 hours; New Holland TC30 tractor w/670 hours; Allis-Chalmers B tractor (does not run); Deutz D 40 06 tractor; 3pt hitch spreader; Tarter tiller; Keen Kutter rotary mower; Grasshopper 725D zero turn mower; Kubota X1120 RTV, 220 hours; Champion air compressor; Craftsman power washer, micrometers; drill press, 16” scroll saw 10” radial saw; hydraulic press; Delta router, belt sander; Grizzly shaper; vice; DeWalt tools; generator; large collection of concrete tools; concrete rebar stabilizer; transit w/ tripod; 4’x 8’ sheets of galvanized steel; Dayton forced air heater; Reddy heaters; ladders; LP tank (40% full); hand tools.

AIRCRAFT-Corben Baby Ace Model D project aircraft; aircraft manufacturing and repair tools; vintage aviation magazines; blue prints and artwork.

GUNS- Remington 870 Mag Exp. 12 ga. pump; Savage Model III 7mm w/Bushnell scope; Remington Model 870 Mag 12 ga. pump; Franchi Brescia 20 ga. semi auto; Winchester Model 1200 12 ga.; Ruger Single Six 17 HMR Revolver

ANTIQUES - COLLECTABLES - FURNITURE - MISC. - Ingraham Orange Crush clock; Regulator case clock; Sessions and other mantle clocks; pocket watches and other watches; Southwest jewelry; Lawrence Mfg. double peanut/candy machine; Bell National candy machine; Atlas Bantam peanut machine and others; very large collection of Guardian Ware; cast iron cookware; Carnival glass; large collection of Franciscan table ware; Imoco Stratford china; granite ware; Speas Vinegar jugs; vintage cake carriers; Dazey churn; paper mache’ clowns; large collection Fire King, Pyrex and Lance Jars and more; primitive hand tools and saddle stool; Bush’s Best Flour bin; trunk; Old Crowe, Jack Daniel’s and other bar ware; advertising pieces; toy tractors; glassware; south west decor; Seller’s Hoosier Cabinet; Stetson and other cowboy hats; leather belts; Pruncha Banjo; Amish made furniture including farm table, mission style chairs, coat rack, glider, rocker, roll top desk, armoire; leather recliner; patio furniture; large collection of 70’s and 80’s  albums and CDs; Native American artwork; prints; hand carved window shutters; microwave; Health-o-Meter upright scales; bookshelves; occasional tables; lamps; Amana washer and dryer; Dahlquist DQ-20 speakers; and more

ALSO SELLING: 2020 Lexus LS 500, w/6,800 miles and Tin Lizzie Parade car with gas motor!

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Mr. Goode was an avid aviation fan, master tinkerer, collector and traveler. This auction is chock full of something for everyone! We will be running two separate auctions on the same day so plan ahead and bring a friend. We will have food, equipment loader and operator available. 

TERMS-Payment in full at the auction by cash, check, or credit/debit card.    

Owner: William Goode Estate

Executor: Jayce Goode


1140 Marksberry Road West, Owensboro Kentucky


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Amy Whistle

Amy Whistle

CAI, Auctioneer/Realtor
Office: 270-926-8553
Mobile: 270-316-7425
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